

Richard Schubert, born in Hof (Germany), studied physics in Bayreuth (Germany) and Grenoble (France, "licence de physique"). He made his PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching near Munich and General Atomics in San Diego (US)  where he developed a microwave reflectometer for measuring the electron density profile in a magnetic nuclear fusion device.  Besides his regular work in research and industry with Siemens Company (microwave sensorics in the railroad and energy divisions) he developed a new method for taking 3D pictures. During many years of intensive work, he succeeded in combining perfectly the technical and creative aspects of this then-patented technique (DE9819992). Based on this experience he is working regularly as an art/science and industrial evaluator and reviewer for the European Commission in Brussels. He is a member of the jury of the youth science prize "Jugend forscht", as well as a "Lindau Alumni Peer Reviewer". Former scholarship holder of the Bavarian Hanns Seidel Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and the French Government. As a member of different academic alumni organisations, he organises "mixed alumni round tables" mainly at the intersection of science, art and politics. He closely follows the current developments in the energy and mobility sectors. Quite recently he coined the term sustainability linguistics, an area of linguistics that investigates the different narratives on sustainability in different language spaces, with a particular focus on the Czech language. Currently, he also works on the Berlin Nuclear Security Summit, an expert conference on the security of the civil nuclear infrastructure in Europe.

